Jet Plasma Surrey & Bespoke Facials
Neuro Skeletal Realignment Therapy
MALE clients are only accepted if referred by an existing client.
During my career, there have been times when I have been presented with someone who is in such pain to the extent that it affects their posture, their movement, even their breathing; their walking is impaired, it hurts to even stand up. A deep tissue massage might only give short-term relief. This is why I embarked on NSRT (Neuro Skeletal Realignment Therapy). The full diploma is a year long course (I got behind on the homework so mine was 1.5!).
How does NSRT work?
Light touch on specific points helps the brain locate pain areas in the body; the brain can then change those pain responses and relax the area. The therapy works on the neurological biofeedback system.
How does it feel?
This is a non-invasive, non-manipulative, light touch therapy which can do no harm. The entire body is realigned during each session. Most of the time, you barely feel anything and most people drift off. Amazingly, it delivers results! I now incorporate NSRT into many of my body therapies.
This helped me lot with my lower back pain and as a result, reduced my headaches as well.
Since I am seeing her on a regular basis, my pain levels have reduced significantly and my overall health and mood has improved too.
Client with sleep apnoea
The therapy was gentle, painless and very relaxing.
Since having the last therapy treatment, I have not suffered excruciating back pain that prevented me from getting out of bed in the morning. In fact, I have not had back pain and, therefore, I have been able to do yoga without any problems and carry on
painlessly with my life.
Client with spine, pelvis and leg pain
My back is so much better since we started this. I am now able to travel in the car for a couple of hours without pain and when I get out I am able to walk upright. I also had trouble lying on my back for any length of time and I am able to do this.
Client with osteoporosis