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Does EMF harm the body?

Writer's picture: Chin LingChin Ling
Does EMF Harm the Body?

Many of us will make resolutions throughout the year, and some of the popular ones will include taking less alcohol, less sugar, doing more exercise, healthy habits.  What about protecting your cells from the effects of EMF? Can you get cell death, cognitive decline and heart defects from mobiles, routers and 5G?


Our bodies are made of atoms and each atom is an electric field which spins and vibrates around a centre point.  An esteemed physicist Professor Lakicevic re-envisaged the shape of this atom to be like a doughnut.  The centre point of the doughnut, also known as the zero point, is an empty space where there exists a magnetic still point.  Electric energy comes from this zero point and from here we have electro-magnetic energy.  While the zero point is in the centre of this spinning, vibrating field, we have natural order and perfect balance.   Imagine a wheel with the hub in its centre and one where the hub is off centre – how do they each perform?


The Law of Resonance states that when 2 different vibrating fields are in close proximity, if they are both in balance with the zero points in the centre, they will resonate in harmony.  However, if one of them is out of balance, it can cause dissonance and incoherence.   


In our daily lives, we are exposed to manmade radiation fields where the zero point is off centre and out of balance.  Applying the Law of Resonance, when the electric field of a mobile phone or router comes close to the natural fields of our body, the manmade field will pull the zero point of our body’s field off centre and therefore out of balance.  We cannot say for certain what this means for everyone because each of us has variable sensitivities, but across 6000 studies of rats exposed to EMFs, several symptoms were seen.  Depending on the strength of the EMF and length of exposure these included anxiety, oxidative stress, fatigue, mitochondrial damage, cell death, sleep disorders, cognitive and memory decline.


Enter the Deca Orb.  Professor Lakicevic (Laki for short) discovered a unit of energy called the Deca unit or orb which always has perfect balance and never runs out.  When placed close to an imbalanced electric field, it causes the zero point to come back into centre, into perfect balance and vibration.  To prove the point, tests were done on water crystals and blood samples.  Why water? Because our bodies are 70-90% water.


The Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto became famous for his water crystal photography in which he showed that water reacts to human intentions, emotions and ideas; water constructs itself into crystals depending on their environment.  In a 5G experiment, the image below shows distilled water acting as the baseline.  Two cups of distilled water were exposed to 5G and a downloaded video on the phone.  One had the Deca Orb, handily constructed in a sticker, and the other did not.  The image shows the crystallised form of the water with the Orb compared to the partially destroyed water without Orb.

Omnia Orb water test

Another test was done on blood exposed to 20 minutes of Youtube scrolling, with baseline, with Orb and without Orb.  The image (centre below) without the Orb shows the blood cells are starting to stick together and are not free flowing as they should be.

Omnia Orb blood sample test

If you’re in your 50s or above, by the time you get to 70, you will have had probably 30 to 40 years of manmade EMF exposure and maybe your body’s cells and atoms will not be adversely affected.  What about you get to 70 and you’ve had 50 or more years? 


Professor Laki very cleverly constructed a sticker in which sits the Deca Orb so it can be stuck directly on your device: the mobile phone not the case, your router and booster, your wireless earphones.  The Omnia sticker can be unstuck and re-stuck and if it loses its stickiness, you can place clear tape over it and it still works.  If you change your device, you just remove and re-stick.  It costs from just £13 a sticker.  For me, that’s peace of mind.  Based on the science and physics, it’s cell protection.


 Get 10% off with this code when you spend £50+:

Here are some facts I found interesting.

* Putting your mobile phone on roaming means it emits greater power and greater radiation.

* In theory, storing your phone in your trouser pocket can affect your fertility.

* You’re meant to keep 10cm away from the front edge of an induction hob.

* Some scientists worry that wireless headphones expose the brain to EMFs if worn for long periods.


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