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Jet Plasma Surrey & Bespoke Facials

3 min read
Does EMF harm the body?
Can you get cell apoptosis, cognitive decline and negative cardiovascular effects from your mobile and router?

3 min read
Electro Magnetic Fields and how to live in balance with them
Are we overwhelmed by EMFs Electro Magnetic Fields? Is there a way to neutralise the effect they could be having on our bodies?

3 min read
Vitamin C to fight a Virus
We humans, along with guinea pigs cannot produce vitamin C. To get sufficient vitamin C, can we just eat an orange?

3 min read
Drinks to boost your immunity
Some drinks that give you a shot of vitamins and a boost to your immunity.

2 min read
Aromasticks - Therapeutic Relief
An Aromastick is like the old school Vick’s nasal stick but this time filled with 100% wonderful organic essential oils. Take a sniff and b

2 min read
How to get really pure water - at home
Get rid of your kettle, water filter and bottled water and start drinking purer water. Made at home.

3 min read
Collagen for Ageing Skin
I’ve been taking collagen long enough now to justify doing an honest review. I started 16 months ago and I was sceptical. It makes sense t

2 min read
Simply Lemons
Since I started using zest of lemons to make homemade lemon tea, I’ve thought it a shame that, apart from its use in baking, we don’t...

2 min read
Ginger For Sore Throats
Warming ginger drink that's very easy to make.

2 min read
B is for Alzheimers
For some of us, getting our quota of B12 from diet alone may be just possible but if you are over 50 or vegetarian or vegan, it's much harde

3 min read
Chocolate's Good For You
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, consumption of chocolate is linked to longer life. Moderation is key of course.

1 min read
Three Unhealthy Combinations to Avoid
1) COFFEE WITH A PASTRY How many of us pop into a coffee shop and grab a coffee and a croissant, a Danish or a pastry? According...

2 min read
10 Facts About Buckwheat
Buckwheat is actually a fruit, a relative of rhubarb, not related to wheat as the name might suggest.

3 min read
How to Make Basic Stock (Bone Broth)
Why make stock? Because it's highly nutritious, it's rich in proteins, minerals and gelatin and it's good for the digestive system.

3 min read
3 Ways to Use Up Double Cream
For years post Christmas and post Easter I’ve been to the shops where they have a glut of cream and they reduce them to silly prices. ...

3 min read
Why Take Supplements?
I love attending training courses. It’s a bit like going back to school but there’s no uniform, you wear as much or little make-up as...

2 min read
How Much Sugar is in Our Drinks?
Drinks can be deceptive, none more so than Long Island Iced Tea. I sipped this gently on a lovely summer holiday one year. It tasted...

2 min read
Are Barbecues Healthy?
grilling and other high-heat cooking methods accelerate ageing

2 min read
5 Clean Habits to Adopt
Patrick Holford says that it takes 3 weeks to break an old habit, 6 weeks to form a new habit and 36 to hardwire that habit. To endure...

2 min read
Fat-Burning Diet Pills - Do They Work?
Do fat-busting diet pills work? Or are they too good to be true? Every so often, a major pharmaceutical company launches a new diet pill...
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